Author: Darina Dimova, Margarita Gocheva
4. Essential oil content and composition of lavender origins, introduced in Bulgaria
Author: Ana Dobreva
4. Rapeseed Green Forage Quality Obtained from Different Cultivars and Hybrids Cultivated in the Region of Plovdiv
Author: Radka Ivanova, Zhivko Todorov, Vania Delibaltova
3. Estimation of various diary and mixed cows’ breeds according to milk protein and cheese quality
Author: Tarasova Tatiana, Prudnikov Vasyliy, Lysenko Anna
18. Slautering characteristics and meat quality of mirror carp of the local population, grown under different technologies
Author: Lyudmila Nikolova
2. Influence of some herbicides and different densities of johnson grass on the quality of mid-early and late potatoes for processing
Author: Shteliyana Kalinova, Galina Pevicharova, Angel Hristoskov
3. Improving the yield and quality of wheat and triticale by foliar fertilization
Author: Bosev Dane, Ivanovska Sonja, Jankulovska Mirjana, Jankuloski Ljupcho, Kuzmanovska Biljana, Yanchev Ivan
12. Influence of biological fertilization on the fruit quality of greenhouse tomatoes
Author: Kostadin Kostadinov, Galina Pevicharova, Stoyan Filipov, Krasimir Mihov
10. Quality parameters of sweet corn grain
Author: Atanas Sevov