5. Varieties and formations of rootstocks of grapes of the Anapa’s zonal experimental station of viticulture and wine-making

Author: Zhukov Alexandr Ivanovich, Mikhailovsky Stanislav Sergeyevich


In modern viticulture an inoculation of European-Asian grape varieties on rootstocks is used for fighting against a root form of phylloxera as these varieties are resistant to this pest. This article presents the information about what kinds of rootstocks of domestic and foreign selection are used in the up-to-date branch of viticulture. There is the description of the sphere of their usage and the article highlights useful features of the rootstocks and their disadvantages. The aim of this work is creating of new grape rootstocks which would not have the disadvantages of the existing ones. The short description of the grape rootstocks of selection of the Anapa’s Zone Experimental Station of Viticulture and Wine-making as AZOS-1, AZOS-2, AZOS-3, AZOS- 4, AZOS-5 and AZOS-6 is given in the article. It is indicated that these rootstocks have a high resistance to a leaf form of phylloxera, to chlorosis and to some other diseases of the grape vine. They have a short period of vegetation, a high quantity of standard cutting per hectare and other useful properties. The description of a new formation of rootstock grape vines with free trail shoots „AOS-1“ is given in the article. This formation of grape vines is developed by the Anapa’s Zone Experimental Station of Viticulture and Wine-making. All advantages of this forming in comparison with other designs of grape vines are also pointed out. It is especially noted that the usage of this forming of vines increases the productivity in the process of vine scrap and preparation of cuttings; the expenditures on the disease and pest control in the vineyards are reduced; the quantity of standard grape cuttings increases by 27-33%.

Key words: rootstock, variety, hybrid, resistance to phylloxera, formation, trellis