Author: Neshka Piperkova
7. Selection of perspective early mutant lines of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in drought conditions
Author: Tsvetanka Dintcheva, Hriska Boteva, Nasya Tomlekova, Slavka Kalapchieva
19. Research regarding morphology and structure features of the muscle from oncorhynchus mykiss and salvelinus fontinalis breed farmed in ne part of Romania
Author: Cătălin Emilian Nistor, Ionuţ Bogdan Pagu, Benone Pasarin, Gabriel Vasile Hoha, Doina Leonte
26. Effect of acid marinating with sodium lactate on morphological changes in M. Longissimus dorsi
Author: Dessislava Vlahova-Vangelova, Dessislav Balev, Stefan Dragoev
4. Connection between the laurel essential oil content and the plant generative reproduction features
Author: Shorena Kapanadze, Roland Kopaliani, Giorgi Getsadze