32. Identification of soil threats from the survey area in the Zlatitsa–Pirdop valley

Author: Toma Shishkov, Bisser Нristov


Soil is a basic natural resource and therefore farms, livestock, forests and waters from watersheds resolve their problems on the soil. The Zlatitsa-Pirdop valley forms a closed air pool which is crucial for the distribution of harmful substances (emitters). The selected soil survey area is linked directly to the threats to soil identified in the EU Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection. The threats such as erosion, soil contamination and sealing were identified during the soil survey. The authentic information obtained on the Deluvial (Colluvial) meadow soil tended to be more suited to characterise specific soil features, including morphological conditions, while the data on the Undeveloped cinnamonic forest (shallow) soils, Alluvial-meadow and Alluvial soils from the flooded zone provided more detailed spatial information on the particular soil varieties.

Key words: soil threats, heavy metals, soil protection, soil survey