4. Correlations between spike parameters of first generation direct and reciprocal crosses of triticale (× Triticosecale wittm.)

Author: Hristo Stoyanov, Valentin Baychev

DOI: n/a


The correlations between the spike productivity components are very important in the breeding of such a crop as triticale. On the one hand, they allow determining the components of yield which have the greatest impact on it, and on the other, they provide an opportunity to specify the influence of a particular genotype. In order to establish the correlations and a possible influence of the genotype on triticale, 10 direct and their respective reciprocal crosses were tested along with the six participating parental component varieties (Kolorit, Akord, Respekt, Lovchanets, Blagovest and Borislav). A high positive correlation between the weight of grains in the spike and the number of grains in the spike was established in all hybrid combinations regardless of the direction of crossing. The correlations between the length of the spike and the number of grains in the spike were high and positive. Differences between the direct and reciprocal crosses were observed in the correlation between the number of grains in the spike and the weight of 1,000 grains. That fact indicated that correlations related to the index 1,000 grain weight might be affected by the genotype involved, the impact of the environment on it and the direction of crossing. The absence of significant differences between the correlations in the parental forms indicated stability of the hybrid generation with regard to the formation of its productivity, making the studied crosses suitable for participation in breeding programs directed towards increasing the productivity of triticale.