3. Results of breeding sudangrass, sorghum-sudangrass hybrids and sweet sorghum for green mass productivity

Author: Tzvetan Kikindonov, Kalin Slanev, Stanimir Enchev, Georgi Kikindonov

DOI: n/a


The increasing tendency of extreme deviations from the agro-climatic norms has enforced the search of alternative forage crops. Sorghum and sudangrass show high productive potential for the accumulation of green and dry mass under the conditions of water and temperature stress.

Effective breeding of segregating populations of F2-F5 progenies for the isolation of genotypes with improved productivity indices and for the enrichment of the gene-pool of pollinators for the creation of new sorghum x sudangrass hybrids has been realized. As a result the sudangrass variety Endje was bred and certified.

The influence of the genotype and the agro-climatic conditions on the productive potential of standard varieties such as Verkor, Susu, Super Sweet, Endje and Yantar was studied as well as on populations and sorghum x sudangrass hybrids, part of the breeding program of the Agricultural Institute – Shumen.

The great variety of grain and sweet sorghum forms, sudangrass and their hybrids of the breeding program of Agricultural Institute – Shumen widens the basis for selection of genotypes adapted to the actual conditions, allowing the harvest of green mass at different stages of the crop development during vegetation.