6. Selection of parental pairs in the hybridization of sesame whip aimed at the creation of cultivars for mechanical harvesting, applying quantitative and complex assesment of the source material

Author: Stanko Georgiev, Stanislav Stamatov, Manol Deshev

DOI: n/a


Sesame varieties and breeding lines used as parents and their descendants were involved in a quantitative and complex assessment. By crossing shattering-capsule and non-shattering capsule forms, hybrids were obtained that had boxes which held the seeds until entering the combine harvester. The assessment was carried out on materials of the F5 generation. Nineteen morphological and biochemical indicators forming the 7 basic groups were assessed. The total assessment figure showed the superiority of the obtained hybrids over their adjacent parents regarding productivity and economic contribution made by their mechanized harvesting with a combine. This allows for optional parent pairs which successfully combine required features in the progenies.