Author: Galina Mihova, Milka Dimitrova-Doneva
Author: tsaikin
3. Phenotypic diversity of garden peas for ecological agricultural production
Author: Slavka Kalapchieva, Tsvetanka Dintcheva, Ivanka Tringovska, Viliana Vasileva, Valentin Kosev
4. Management of the pests in the conventional and biological systems for pea growing
Author: Vinelina Yankova, Dima Markova, Slavka Kalapchieva
5. Productivity of wheat grown in conditions of unconventional agriculture
Author: Vesselin Dochev, Atanas Atanassov, Krasimira Uzunova
6. Common diseases of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for biological production
Author: Olga Georgieva, Natalia Karadzhova
7. Use of cluster analysis and analysis of the main components for evaluation of triticale samples
Author: Evgeniy Dimitrov, Krasimira Uzunova, Zlatina Uhr
8. Stability assessment of maize hybrids by different methods in relation to their zoning
Author: Stefan Vulchinkov, L. Reseleshka, P. Vulchinkova, M. Ilchovska, N. Petrovska, V. Valkova
9. Evaluation of indigenous grain legume collections
Author: Sofia Petrova, Tsvetelina Stoilova, Petar Chavdarov
10. Enrichment of the local plant genefund for providing a resource base for priority agro-food systems
Author: Nikolaya Velcheva, Tsvetelina Stoilova, Petar Chavdarov
11. Effectiveness of systems of herbicides in maize cultivated at conditions of tipical chernozem
Author: Sonya Goranovska