1. Investigation on the effect of “Panatechnology” products on some aphids in orchards

Author: Radoslav Andreev, Pavlin Vasilev, Angel Kinanov, Anna Mircheva


The products of the Panatechnology series are completely natural, obtained by finely grinding rock meal and adding other natural ingredients. They can be applied as complex foliar and soil fertilizers and as agents increasing the natural immunity of plants. The aim of the investigation was to determine the potential effect of these products on some aphids in apple and peach orchards. The study was conducted in 2022 and 2023 in conventional orchards of apples and peaches, in the experimental fields of the Agricultural University – Plovdiv. Several leaf treatments were carried out with products from the Panamin and Panatop series (Immuno Save; Panamin Suspension, etc.) as a comprehensive program to improve plant resistance and growth during the spring period. The experiments have shown that Panamin and Panatop immunostimulants can reduce the rate of attack of some aphids on apple and peach trees to some extent but cannot completely prevent the danger of these pests, especially in a year suitable for their development.

Keywords: aphids, apple, Panamin, Panatop, peach