11. Population and breeding status of the Bulgarian dairy synthetic population, controlled by the breeding association of the Bulgarian dairy sheep breeds

Author: Zornitsa Petkova, Vasil Nikolov, Plamen Gospodinov


The present study examines the dynamics of the population and the breeding status of the Bulgarian dairy synthetic population, controlled by the breeding association of the Bulgarian dairy sheep breeds as of 2011, when the breeding organisation was established, until now. It has been ascertained that during the first 5 years, the number of sheep under selection control increased 8.4 times- from 7035 to 59243 but after that it decreased and in 2020 it is 34868. The controlled sheep are reared in 212 farms- approximately 164 sheep in each of them. When compared to the initial period, the number of farms has increased by 8.5 times but the average number of sheep has decreased by 13.7%. The number of young animals secures the reproduction of the ewes- 18.2%, and the rams- 16.8%. This low reproduction percentage along with the small difference in the productivity of the elite and controlled units of the breed point to a relatively low genetic progress in the main productive features. So as the selection effect to be increased, it is recommended that the potential fathers selection be performed in the entire controlled part of the breed under the open nucleus breeding system, more young animals to be left for breeding which in turn will provide the opportunity for refining of the group, and a system for assessment of rams based on the qualities of their progeny be elaborated and applied.

Keywords: dairy sheep, breeding, population status, breeding status