10. Mathematical approach for studying the influence of the shape index of turkey eggs and their mass on some incubation indicators

Author: Neli Keranova, Pavlina Hristakieva, Magdalena Oblakova


The present study analyses the influence of the egg shape index and its mass on some incubation indicators of three lines of turkeys: Layer Light turkey-LL, Meat Heavy turkey TM and North Caucasian Bronze Turkey (NCB). Graphical images represent the change of the relevant indicators as a result of the change in the egg shape index and egg mass. Mathematical models have been built that link the analyzed features. With the increase in the egg shape index and egg mass in Layer Light turkeys, the fertilized eggs and the hatched turkeys have the same growing trend.
In Meat Heavy turkeys with the increase of the index, relative stability in the studied indicators is observed as well as dynamics concerning the average mass. In NCB-turkeys with the increase in the egg shape index, the number of fertilized eggs and hatched turkeys decreases. With the increase in the average mass, the number of fertilized eggs and hatched turkeys also increases. Upon the increase in the index, relative stability in the surveyed indicators is observed as well as sharp peaks and falls in the average mass.

Keywords: regression model, shape index, mass, turkey eggs