11. Modelling of the autumn vegetation period for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Author: D.V. Blyshchyk, A. N. Polevoy

DOI: n/a


This article provides a theoretical description of the dynamic model of influence of the main factors on the growth and development of winter wheat in the period of autumn vegetation. The development of the model is based on a model of the influence of the agrometeorological conditions on the growth, development and yield formation of winter wheat. The period of autumn vegetation is one of the most important periods, because and thus provides a basis for obtaining high levels of crop yield. The development of the model is characterized by two approaches. The first approach is traditional description of the meteorological factors, which takes into account the impact of temperature and precipitation on the development of winter wheat. The second approach provides a quantitative description of the period of the autumn growing season of winter wheat, which involves the growth of the aboveground and underground plant parts and tillering processes. There is a substantial rearrangement of the structure, physicochemical properties of the protoplasm, physiological and biochemical processes aimed at developing adaptive responses to the environmental stress and maintaining the vital functions of the plants organism, in other words, the gain of winter hardiness and the passing of two hardening phases.