20. Research concerning age influence over the quantitative and qualitative meat production at oncorhynchus mykiss breed from the NE part of Romania

Author: Ionuţ Bogdan Pagu, Cătălin Emilian Nistor, Benone Păsărin, Aida Albu

DOI: n/a


During human evolution, fish meat contributed to a considerable extent at assuring the needs for animal protein. On our current research we aimed to evaluate the physical-chemical composition of the meat gathered from Oncorhynchus mykiss breed. Were used 20 individuals for each group of age (2nd summer, 3rd summer and 4th summer), the pH of meat, dry matter, content in proteins and lipids, for all three age groups were determined. The obtained values were between 23,88 and 27,14 for dry matter with a minimum value of 23,88% which was recorded at rainbow trout individuals of 2th. Content in proteins recorded the best values (19,81%) at individuals from batch L3, and content in lipids oscillated between 4,14% and 5,99%. The best efficiency at cold slaughtering (82,35%) was recorded at the third batch of rainbow trout (L3), while at the first batch (L1) we obtain the greatest value of the viscera-somatic index (17,56). Following the cutting as torso, the best meat percentage was obtained from straight cutting, respectively 73,65%, and was recorded at 4th summer specimens of rainbow trout. The obtained values regarding physical-chemical composition placed Oncorhynchus mykiss breed in the class of fishes with high nutritional value.