10. State and phenotypic characteristics of the Zapadnostaroplaninska breed of sheep

Author: Desimir Nedelchev, Andreia Kolev, Georgi Dimov

DOI: n/a


A monitoring of the Zapadnostaroplaninska (West Stara Planina) sheep from the area of West Bulgaria for the period 2010-2012 was presented. No representatives of the mountain type of the breed was found in the study. The animals in the study were typical for the regions of the high valley. Exterior measurements were made on 66 ewes. The average height at withers was 65.3 cm, chest girth was 86.9 cm, cannon bone chest was 7.3 cm and tail length was 42.3 cm. The prolificacy was 114. 8% for the period of four years. The predominant part of ewes (79%) were with staple length of 10-13 cm. Only 9% of ewes were with rough wool. An increase in the size of ewes was observed in comparison with those reared in the middle of the 20-th century.