This review summarizes the most relevant results for the olive (Olea europaea L.) in vitro propagation obtained from studies done by different scientists worldwide, discussing the achievements and elucidating some critical aspects influencing the micropropagation efficiency. Such crucial factors could be the problematic establishment of sterile cultures using explants originating from field or greenhouse plants due to significant contamination; tissue oxidation when using meristems and nodal cuttings in some varieties; the effect of the growth regulators regarding the hyperhidricity appearing in developing explants during the early or later subcultures; and finally, the strong genotype dependence of proliferation and rooting ability.
Although many protocols for the intensive propagation of olives are documented, the most competitive and economical methods would be beneficial for initiating in vitro research in olives. Therefore, this publication’s findings would help the development of specific protocols for available olive germplasm and be useful for the commercial propagation and obtaining of the pathogen-free olive plants.
Keywords: explant, in vitro, medium, Olea europaea L., olive, plant growth regulators