Author: Adelina Harizanova, Lyubka Koleva-Valkova, Atanaska Stoeva, Pavlin Vasilev, Mariya Hristozova
Issue 43, Supplement 2024 – 40 Years Faculty of Plant Protection and Agroecology
2. Effect of exclusion net and apple variety on the population density of leaf-mining moths
Author: Atanaska Stoeva, Pavlin Vasilev, Mariya Hristozova, Adelina Harizanova
3. In vitro antifungal action of plant extracts towards conidiospores of Moniliafructigena
Author: Donyo Ganchev
4. Limacide (moluscocide) action of L-ascorbic acid
Author: Donyo Ganchev
5. Influence of color of tree pastes (paints) on the temperature surface of tree trunks
Author: Donyo Ganchev
6. Effect of exclusion net on the acarofauna in apple orchard
Author: Atanaska Stoeva, Adelina Harizanova, Pavlin Vasilev
7. Rootstock effects on nematode resistance, growth and yield of greenhouse cucumber
Author: Dima Markova, Boyan Arnaoudov, Vinelina Yankova, Nikolay Velkov
8. Role of regulating ecosystem services in reducing the use of chemical pesticides
Author: Ilina M. Minkova, Anna G. Karova, Teodora P. Ilieva-Pencheva
9. Challenges and opportunities for utilizing ecosystem services in the sustainable management of agroecosystems
Author: Anna G. Karova, Teodora P. Ilieva-Pencheva
10. Effect of different flowering plants on the abundance of pollinators and natural enemies in the oilseed rape agrocenosis
Author: Atanaska Stoeva, Pavlin Vasilev, Adelina Harizanova, Mariya Hristozova, Atanas Ivanov