10. Influence of different budding timing on the production of persimmon fruit-trees

Author: Anton Yordanov, Sava Tabakov, Galya Dobrevska

DOI: n/a


The study was conducted during the period 2007-2010 in the region of the town of Plovdiv (Central Southern Bulgaria). Trees of the Hyakume and Hiratanenashi cultivars were produced by the chip-budding method. It was performed in a first year nursery field on 15th August and 10th September and in a second year nursery field on 1st and 30th March. Oneyear- old seedlings of Date plum (Diospyros lotus L.) were used as rootstocks. During the studied period the highest bud take assessed as a final output of the nursery trees of both cultivars was noted with the budding performed on 1st and 30th March (93.3-98.3%) in comparison with the other two dates. The budding performed in summer in the first year nursery field favored obtaining higher and more branched trees of both cultivars. The budding performed in spring in the second year nursery field resulted in smaller-size and less branched trees.