The study was conducted to identify and characterize West African Dwarf (WAD) goat genetic resources under smallholder production systems. The goats were sampled from smallholder flocks to collect data on certain qualitative traits. These goats were scored for certain qualitative traits on body, udder and teat. The study showed that goats with black and brown (36.7%), pied coat colour pattern, convex head profile (36.3%), erected ear (51.3%), smooth hair type (68%) were predominant. Low frequencies were obtained for presence of wattle (Waw), light colouration or roan (Ror), beard (Brb), and extra teat (Ete) while all goats have horns. More than half of the goats sampled were with a well-developed, symmetric udder (61.3%) with moderate degree of separation and slightly deep udder. The WAD goats have funnel teat shape (44%) and are mostly with intermediate teat placement (61.3%), teat depth (56.7%), teat length (48%) and teat size (50.7%). The study identified considerable diversities in qualitative attributes of the goats
Keywords: Genetic resources, goat, teat, traits, udder