Agricultural Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes four issues per year. The Journal is an integral part of the research activity of the Agricultural University – Plovdiv and is processed under the academic publishing policy. The aim and the scope of the Journal are to present quality research in the area of agricultural science. The invited materials cover topics in agronomy, plant protection, animal sciences, and agricultural engineering. Manuscripts in the fields of agricultural economics, agritourism, agroecology, and other related areas are also considered. The Journal publishes materials (in English) in the following categories: research papers, short research notes and review articles.
Referencing and Indexing
CAB International – CAB Abstracts
EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate
Web of Science – CABI
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© Agricultural Sciences, 2009
ISSN 2603-4638 (Print)
ISSN 3033-0149 (Online)
DOI suffix: 10.22620